Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another author.....

....writing about Islam.  Bernard Lewis:   "The Crisis of Islam".  It's a short book, easy to read, and gives an overview of the Islamic Faith.  And now I've started reading Robert Spencer's "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam". 
The thing that comes across most is how little we know about Islam and its true teaching.  I think most of us have a hazy idea at best. 
It does seem that the militant Islamists are very good at pointing a finger at everyone else for their troubles, and pointing out the faults of others, but with very little reflection on how they have contributed to their own misfortunes and failures themselves, and how they continue to contribute.
Other people have been invaded, repressed and had difficulties over the centuries, the Hungarians and Philippino's come to mind, yet they don't waste their time blaming and atacking others for their misfortunes.
Another aspect is Islam's mandate to conquer the world for Islam, whatever means are used.
Christianity wishes to spread its message to the whole world but by voluntary conversion and persuasion not by force.
In the early days of Christianity the Faith was spread by the preaching of the Apostles because they preached a message of redemption by a loving God, and freedom for all.  Christians were usually the ones who were persecuted.  We were not taught by our founder to kill for the Faith, as Muslims are taught by theirs.
When people feel entitled to whatever and have no sense of gratitude they become an ever open void which no amount of appeasement can fill.
Rights come with responsibilities and respect for others, and that is true for everyone.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snail Mail....

Found time in the quiet hush this morning to write a couple of letters on the subject of euthanasia.  We currently have two cases before the courts in Canada, one in British Columbia and one in Quebec, with individuals and groups trying to get euthanasia made legal in this country.  We had a private member's bill before the House of Commons not too long ago that was soundly defeated, but the advocates for euthanasia will not give up. 
So I wrote a letter to the Attorney General with a copy to my MP, expressing my concerns.  A small thing to do in light of the following statements I read also this morning quoted in "For God or for Tyranny" by Walid Shoebat, former terrorist:

"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause?"
Spoken by Sophie Scholl of the White Rose resistance group shortly before she was executed by the Nazi's.
"If it is once admitted that men have the right to kill 'unproductive' fellow-men even though it is at present applied only to poor and defenseless mentally ill patients, then the way is open for the murder of all unproductive men and women:  the incurably ill, the handicapped who are unable to work, those disabled in industry or war.  The way is open, indeed, for the murder of all of us when we become old and infirm and therefore unproductive."
From a sermon given by Bishop Clemens August von Galen, Sunday August 3rd 1941 in St. Lambert's Church, Munster.

Perhaps writing a letter seems such an insignificant thing to do, and that is the reason why so few write one and do nothing at all.


We had snow today, it only fell for a few hours but looked beautiful as it fell.  The quiet hush of winter.  It was a day for staying indoors, for housecleaning, nesting and generally pottering around.  J. made lunch:  Pork chops with cabbage, onions and bacon.  A rib sticking affair, and quite delicious.
One more week to go and then I'm having surgery.  For some reason I don't feel concerned about it.  I've had a few surgeries in the past and they've all gone quite well, so I'm expecting that this will be the same.  Hopefully then I can get back to a normal life, into walking every day. 
I've added knitting to my repertoire for next November's bazaar,  but I shall still find time for reading.
I have lots of people praying for me this week and lots to look forward to this spring, but I'm not in a hurry, everything will unfold as it should.
"Peace, peace, you tell me.  Peace is...for men/women of good will."
St. Josemaria

Other books I read over the Fall....

were "The Great Heresies"  By Hilaire Belloc
"Hungary in the Cold War" by Borhi
"The Sword of Honour Trilogy"  by Evelyn Waugh
"A Canticle for Leibowitz"  by ?
"The Canadian Century"  by Roy Strong
"The Devil's Arithmetic"  by Jane Yolen
"The Origins of Christian Zionism" by ?
"The Balfour Declaration"  by Schneer
"God's Voice Within"  by Mark Thibodeaux S.J.
"Henry V"  by Will Shakespeare
"The Myth of Hitler's Pope" by Rabbi Dolan
"Cranmer"  by Hilaire Belloc
"The Closing of the Muslim Mind"  by Robert Reilly
"The Help"  by ?
and currently:
"For God and Tyranny"  by Walid Shoebat

Is it really that long ago.....

....since I last posted??  Well I read something funny by Hilaire Belloc today in "The Essential Belloc" especially after my last post.
"I am writing a book about the Crusades so dull that I can scarcely write it."!
Well Hilaire it was perhaps more interesting to read than to write.